This Simple Space is a leading organisation in advancing public knowledge about the criminal justice system and families who come into contact with it by providing research consultancy in this area.
Dr Tess Bartlett has over ten years of experience working on projects exclusively, or with other organisations, and this expertise includes, but is not limited to, conducting comprehensive literature reviews, systematic reviews; developing and conducting research in correctional settings; conducting focus groups; interviewing court personnel; data collection and analysis; transcribing; coding and analysis using NVIVo11; liaising and reporting with academic chief investigators and government/non-government partner organisations; conference presentations; and writing for publication.
For a more comprehensive list of Dr Bartlett’s work, visit her Google Scholar page or connect with her on Research Gate. You can also download a copy of Tess’ CV here.
List of Publications:
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Bartlett, T. S. & Trotter, C. (2019). ‘Did we forget something? Fathering supports and programs in prisons in Victoria, Australia’, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 63(8), pp. 1465-1481.
Bartlett, T. S. (2018). Supporting incarcerated fathers: An exploration of research and practice in Victoria, Australia. Probation Journal, Online Access.
Bartlett, T. & Eriksson, A. (2018). How fathers construct and perform masculinity in a liminal prison space. Punishment and Society, Retrieved online
Bartlett, T., Fitz-Gibbon, K. & Walklate, S. (forthcoming, accepted January 2020). Human rights law and family violence: The Australian context. In M Caston & P Gerber (Eds), Contemporary Perspective on Human Rights Law in Australia. New South Wales: Thomas Reuters.
Bartlett, T. (forthcoming, 2022). Fathers in prison: Negotiating masculinities, identity, and space. Oxford: Routledge.
Bartlett, T. & Ricciardelli, R. (forthcoming, 2022). Prison masculinities. Oxford: Routledge.
Research Reports
Meyer, S., Pfitzner, N., Bartlett, T., Vakhitova, Z., Fitzgibbon, K. & O’Brien, K. (2019). Review of the fast tracking initiative in the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria – Final Report.
Roberts, S., Bartlett, T., Stewart, R. & Ralph, B. (2019). Scoping review on healthier masculinities: Report. Melbourne: VicHealth.
Bartlett, T. (2018). Imprisoned primary carer fathers and their children: An international perspective. Tokyo: Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund. Retrieved from
Editing roles
Bartlett, T., Steve, R. & Ricciardelli, R. (2020). Emerald Advances in Masculinities. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
Media engagement
The Sociology Show Podcast (2022). Masculinities, fatherhood, identities and prison.
Radio New Zealand Insight (2020). Insight Documentary: Dads in Prison Program.
Australian Fatherhood Research Network (September 2019). Fatherhood Research Bulletin 48, September 2019: Fathers in prison. Australian Fatherhood Research Network. Newcastle.
Feminine Truth Conversations Podcast (September 2019). ‘Exploring Masculinity and Identity with Tess Bartlett’.
Interview with Monash Lens (April 2019). ‘Jailed fathers: the forgotten carers and the children left behind’
Australian Men’s Health Forum (April 2019). ‘Prison dads need fathers’ rights say Victorian researchers’