Last updated 24/06/2018
Coaching: The client is aware that coaching is in no way to be construed as psychological counseling or any type of therapy and agrees to take care of, and responsibility for, their mental health throughout the period of consultation. Coaching results are not guaranteed. The client enters into the coaching with the full understanding that they are responsible for creating their own results. Lastly, the client agrees to seek advice from an alternative mental health professional if necessary.
Confidentiality: The coach recognises that anything the client shares is regarded as confidential, whether it is business or personal information. The coach undertakes not to, at any time, either directly or indirectly use or disclose any information the client shares in a session.
Cancellation policy: Time and punctuality are valued and the coach agrees to be on time for all appointments. Rescheduling or cancellation of appointments will occur 24 hours before planned date or the full fee will be charged (unless there is a personal or family emergency). If the client is more than 15 minutes late, a new appointment will need be scheduled and the full fee will be charged. Any missed appointments will also be included in the client’s package.
If a client cancels the coaching agreement before completing the program agreed on the client will pay 25% of the overall fee (if that has not been reached) to exit the program.
Payment in full: EITHER a deposit of 10% is to be made at the time of agreement and the remaining balance to be paid two weeks following sign up OR the full payment is made at the time of the agreement.
Payment plans: If paying in installments, a deposit of 10% is to be made at the time of agreement. The following installments will be made at regular intervals after initial sign up:
- 12 month programs, payments will be made in five equal installments on the last day of the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th month;
- 9 month programs, payments will be made in three equal amounts on the last day of the 1st, 5th and 9th month;
- 6 month programs, payments will be made in three equal amounts on the last day of the 1st, 3rd and 6th month.
If paying by Eftpos or credit card there is a transaction fee of 1.95% for swiped cards and 2.9% for manual car transactions.
Your package: Please feel free to email me to share any insights or challenges you may experience during the course of the three months.