I am very excited to finally share Beyond the Big House, a podcast hosted by me about creativity and criminal justice. This podcast has taken nearly two years to produce and I can now say I am incredibly proud of myself for finally hitting publish and overcoming the fear, perfectionism, and self-doubt that held me back from doing so for a long time. Perfectionism eh. That old beast. It ... Read the Post
New on the Blog

Commenting on nervousness in a job interview is plain bad
I once got told that I seemed nervous in an academic job interview. This didn't seem right to me, and there are several reasons why and I thought I would share these in the hope that some interviewers out there read it and appreciate where us nervous academics come from and why commenting on nervousness is not a) helpful or b) something that should be said during feedback from an interview. 1) ... Read the Post

Feminine Truth Conversations Podcast (guest appearance)
Today I featured on the Feminine Truth Conversations podcast with Corinne Worsley. "A mindset coach for high-achieving conscious entrepreneurs and researcher of critical masculinities and spaces of confinement, Dr Tess Bartlett is the founder of This Simple Space, an organisation dedicated to increasing public knowledge of the criminal justice system. In this episode we discuss the role that ... Read the Post

Your Future Gratitude Yearly Reflection
Hello there!Several years ago, as you may recall, I created a Future Gratitude List for you. This was delivered by way of a workbook and since I launched it I have had some amazing feedback from you. Melinda said:"I just spent a very enjoyable two hours doing your exercise in writing a gratitude list for this year and creating a vision. I did all the steps as laid out in your blog post and it ... Read the Post

Make fear your super power and take that leap
I am nearing the end of my PhD journey - just two months to go! - and as a result I have had quite a few decisions to make about what on earth I'm going to do afterwards. While I would love someone to come along and simply tell me what I'll be doing and direct my life, I am an adult now (I think) and so I am the one making these decisions. So, in an attempt to take some action I applied for two ... Read the Post